Tuesday, March 31, 1998
March 1998 - email14
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. About 4 man (mahn) worth! Yokata yo!!! Lucky duck... quack. get outta here! This is an email into... quack quack quack quack quack quack. souinfajnv ozfnva vjaflzv ao rgjnao got em out. That was tough. Oh yeah... a little bit about the VIDEO w/ or w/o the cherry trees.... what could happen? no-body-knows.....
From: Gary Ploski
3/31/98 1:16
Subject: KICCKKKK ASS!!!
To: April Harvey
I just brought in my change..... All of it excluding the 500 yen coins... AND WAHOOO!!!!! KIICCKKK AASSSSS!!!!!!! Philip and I decided to bring our stuff in and DAMNNN!N!!!!! WWAHHOOO Yippe ki yeah! I got looootttttttts of numbers put into my bank book.
Indeed I must say that this will pay for LOTS of my trip with the fam! It's true what they say... If you don't spend that $2 a day or whatever you have left over at the end of the day it adds up quick!! Hot DAMN!!!! I've got more than 4 mAn to go toward my trip! YIIIPPPEEE! Yes indeedy that's (at a $1-100yen) about $400 dollars!!! And it'll go directly toward my train stuff!!! Soooooo, it's not going to lose any value! Rock it! Livin large! Kuuu kuuu baaa yoooo. or something.
I'z just rally pleazed I must say. Rally pleazed. : ) hehehe. Guess I had a lot in that empty bottle of pepsi. hahaha. It's alllll good. Good things come in time ne. : ) Well's I'm off to make a video with Philip for the new AET's and ourselves. It'll be about an hour with lotssss of stuff. Asaka (CH, school grounds, teachers, students, seiyu, some trees {are there any?} the station map and prices) Asaka-dai (Mos Burger, KARAOKE!!!) Shinjuku and Ikebukuro at night. Philips Band stuff, my Iaido stuff, Liz's .... uh, what hasn't she done? Background - Liz has done about 15 different things since she's arrived in Asaka not staying with one thing for, what appears to have been a month. It's realllllly funny.
Interview of ourselves and Watanabe and dah dah dahhhhh, our apartments. The fun stuff. You know we'll clean em before we film em. : ) That's the basics of the video. Yeah we'll show the infamous Sakura Trees (Cherry Blossoms) ... for about 3 secs. "Eww, look there's the ... ohhh sorry no more time." We're pretty excited about being able to make the video. Its not gonna be 3 videos (what philip received frmo Nancy before he came here --- all of there FULL of footage) or 2-3 hours like the video Liz and I received (fulll of trees and trees and students trying to dress) NO!
It'll be quick to the point and that's about it. Here's what you'll see.... rewind it if you want to see it again. : > THat's the wrap.. with that... tou. have a crazy day, crazy lady. ciao cito
Sunday, March 29, 1998
March 1998 - email13
It looms in the closet... well, that's if it's lost. Yes the nail buffer found it's way out this time and it's been... dare I say it... No i dare NOT! Japanese classes have found their way into my heart and I fell oh so loved. yeah, right. I found out how to use some particles and such... that's about all. Kazi and Hisae show up in this email! OHHH NOOO!!! Not the peanut butter dragon again! Ohhh man! He flipped 15 trains over last time he came out to play... Guess where I am.... ping pong --- JPN.
From: Gary Ploski
3/29/98 13:31
Subject: boo
To: April Harvey
What up crazy lady. How's you doin? I heard you fell off of a horse.... what happened? Musta been a wild ride. Dawn told me that you hurt your hip. bummer bummer bummer. Yikes babe. I'z a bit surprised, as I think you are as well. On to the next ride....
Things over here have been pretty cool. Both classes this week went pretty well. I got an 81 on my written test. I made stupid mistakes. Bummer.... oh well. And I finally understand "e", "ni", "de" and "ga"!!! WAAHHOOOO!!! Well I think I completely understand them. Only practice will tell and I've been trying to practice it as much as possible now that I'm not surounded by English teachers. Yippee ka yoo.
I finally got to that Sword Museum. It was tinnnnnny. Hisae and I went on Thursday and spent about 30min in the museum. We took a while looking at each sword.... they pretty much looked the same to us. I'd need to study a bit more before I could get a lot out of that museum. Lots and lots of blades. EEWWwwwwwwwwww. swooooosh. woah, better be careful. hehehe.
We then went to a PINGU EXHIBIT! There were kids EVERYWHERE. All the t.v.'s were at eye level for ppl at or about the height of munchkins, basically..... kids. It ws pretty cool to see how the show was made. MADDDDDD Pingu's are needed to make an episode. It's quite impressive. Pingu is absolutely huge here. Apparently the exhibit was here a year or two ago as well. How about that. cool stuff.
Today Kazi, Hisae and I went to Kawagoe to hang out and just B.S. for a while. I introduced them to Frostee's. We had gone into Wendy's and I asked Kazi to order me a Frostee and he replied with "A what?" I told him where to look and he and Hisae were both wondering what the hell I was asking for.... It was pretty funny. I enjoyed the moment or about .... well, a moment. : )
After that we did the karaoke thang for an hour cause Hisae had to go home to a bday party. Kazi headed back home to do "stuff", as he put it. And I cam home trying to finish a book entitled "100 Tough Questions for Japan". I finished it and am quite impressed with the answers. Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why * 10. That's right, my curiosity was quenched for a little while longer.... Next book.. A book very simliar to this one but it focuses on the innner workings of Japanese life. Economy, land, foods, etc... Cool stuff and it's quick reading. yowzas!
I'm chillin out and thought I'd tell you of the past few days. Stress is mounting with the fam. They can't give me answers, decisive answers. I'm refering to "yes" and "no". It's well maybe and umm i guess... stuff. AH!HH!H!H!H!!H
On a lighter note.... Kazi seems to be doing well. He's busy, but isn't freaked out mentally, only time consuming stuff. I'z glad to hear that. He was pretty light hearted today, i liked. Stress hasn't taxed him to the point of exhaustion like last year. YEAH!!! He's smilin!! Crazy times over here. The rate of the yen to dollar is: 130-1, boooooo!!!
Hey there. Hey hey hey.... you there? just checking. .... b...bb....bbboo..boooooo! Japanese television is pretty commical... People are just trying their damndist to be "cute" in any way possible. It's kinda funny. Ohh to laugh.... i'z tooo easy. and then it goes to technology.... Mastering the stuff they are. DAMN!!! I've just seen some incredible things that will be in the market soon. Wow...
Stupid fact... My nails are shiny now. With that.... I bid you a god crazy fun filled day in the sun. THat is... if there is sun to fill the day. HEY on the way... ciao cito babe.
Tuesday, March 24, 1998
March 1998 - email12
Orientation??? Already? But how could this be? Ohhh yeah, it's a different orientation. D'oh! another faux paus commited. Damn those Gergens Soap commercials. he he.... TPU baby!! All the way!
From: Gary Ploski
3/24/98 1:50
Subject: TPU Pre-Orientation
How'd it get out?!?! ohh man! who got it? Guys are gonna freak out when they see this one girl! She's talllll and has looooooong legs. I wich I was there to see all the reactions of the japanese, american, and every other guy... it'd be hillarious. It's be funny --- trip tripppp tripp. get oFF ME DUDE! : ) hahahaha. dewa
The day was pretty cool. Kaz and I got lost on the campus on to find out we started out where we needed to go! D'oh! Kinda funny. We were roamin' froshs at a school that wasn't ours... funn-ness. The presentations were GET THIS!!! .... boring! Can you believe it!? Something you will see when all the students arrive is that they will ALL have a lap top, like last years group. It's a requirement for the students to bring one with to the states! CRAZY! Nobody was screaming bloody murder or anything... especially when the guy jumped from the top of the building next door.
Like I said the speeches were boring. Forgot to tell ya this part... they were long to! ha! crazy looong and boring. Hmm, sounds like an orientation to me. YUPPERS! things iz funny funny sometimes. Kaz, Hisae and I made presentations to the group of happy go lucky - NOT - mom's, dad's, and in some cases, pitbulls to attack the man forcing the kids to bring a computer! They were vicious! One got to me, paused and just made some sort of noise that sounded like a laugh... Guess it realized I wasn't Japanese. : )
I did my usual, WAKE EVERYBODY UP presentation. Miayamoto was very impressed! I'm verrrrrry happpppppy about that. heheheheheheh ehehehehe heheheh eehe heheheheheheh. Life can be fun sometimes, or as often as you make it so, which, hell, could be everyday! Nah... everybody needs a day (or an hour) to themselves - sometimes. Just make sure your not Japanese and that damn Pitbull isn't around!
Kazi, Hisae and I went to Karaoke and it was a kick asss time! On the way there Kazi was reading a manga (comic) and hisae and I got caught up on a bunch of stuff. It was very very cool! She's here until the end of April. Unfortunately she's here now because her father died ... at the age of 47! That's soooo young! Somthing to do with the heart. So sad.
Dewa.. Thought I'd say thanks, so... "thanks." Glad to hear the trip up was better was better than the trip down. ALSO I'm glad you got to chat with Carrie in person. That must've been very very very cool! Light up the BBQ! it's carr-dog time! OHHHH yeahh, she's cookin up her speacial blend of stew and chopped liver with a touch of sherbert ice creammmm...... thoughts about that..... OH MAN THAT'S DISGUSTING! oy ve! with that... have a crazy day. ciao cito
Monday, March 16, 1998
March 1998 - email11
Here comes the bride... alll dressed in... wait a sec.... that's the wrong song. Opps-ezzz. hehehe sorry. haha. It's time for tears of happiness and sorrow. Time for SPEED to sing their popular tune.... "My Graduation" Ohhh let it rock on ladies.... it's actually a cool tune. I like.. you like? try it out..... the words within that is...
From: Gary Ploski
Subject: Graduation day in Japan.
To: damn you... can't i have some provacy. geesh. : )
The day began EARLY! I was up at 6:30 this morning and the day had started. I was up, getting ready for school almost immediately after I stood up. YIKES! I left the apt. at 8:00 beginning the day officially.
I went to ich-chu to drop off some stuff. I arrived there at about 8:06. As I walked toward the entrance I heard music, yes it was the band practicing AGAIN! The students have been practicing for this ceremony for (at least) the past week. I'm not kidding. I think they've practiced everyday for the past week or two! It's incredible! MADDDDD pracicing has gone on here. And on the day of the ceremony before everyone arrived, the band was doin' it again. How about that.
I left laughing to myself... It was a comedy in and of itself. I began my journey for san-chu, laughing along the way. I arrived at about 8:25ish. Students were running all over the place, doing whatever they wanted to do -- free time for the next 20... enjoy. : ) Graduation was to begin at 9:30, all I had to do was wait.
During the waiting time I walked around and chit chatted with the students. I asked asked numerous times by a bunch of female students if my tie was "Pepsi-Man". I told them "no" and then proceded to tell them it was spider-man. PEPSI-MAN!? He's a character here in Japan that is associated with Pepsi. Japan is a character oriented country. Get a cute/cool character out there and you're alllllll set.
Anyway, the ceremony began with some songs -- the graduation march! Yes the same one you hear in the states. The school song, the national anthem (more on that later) and followed with the presentation of the certificates to the students. YES INDEEDY!!! It happened first thing! It was cool! During the presentation there was an overhead projector on projecting a message that each student had written to/for their friends and/or family. It was a very cool idea. Some said things like "see you", "arigatou", "bye bye", "thank you san-chu", etc... It was a very cool thing. ALSO>>>>
Students proceded to the stage one by one. You could see every student fromthe time they stood up to the time they walked back to their seat. The line at the stage consisted of about 4 students. It continued to rotate until each class was finished and then the next class was begun. The person that said(read) the names was the home room teacher. It went nicely. I was very impressed with that part of the ceremony.
After that... the speeches began, yeah. They lasted for a little while, not forever. I honetly have no idea how ling it lasted, but I do know that basically the same thing was said by each person because I was able to understand some of each speech. Next thing... 1st and 2nd grade students then sang a song to the 3rd(graduating) grade students.
Following that the 3rd graders presented a slide show of various things ranging from -- teachers, students, etc... SURPRISE! hehehe. Can you believe that students refelected on their days in and around the school?!?! How about that! Wonder if any other schools had the same thing, : ) I had to leave as the next song was beginning, which happened to be sung by the 3rd graders... I left and headed off to roku-sho, #6 elementary school.
It was AGAIN a crazy madness of mayhem! Students in these schools are nuts! It's hillarious. Yes I have pictures. : \ Come on now.... what do you think I'm doin over here, working? hahaha. It was fun once again. Philip and I were given a video tape with footage from the "Snow White" and "video good-bye letters". It was/is very FUNNY! I'z funny I say, i'z very funnnny. Back to the office - yeah. NOT!
THE NATIONAL ANTHEM. Ewwwwwww, controversy in Japan. Ewwwwwwwww. I was asked if I was disappointed about how the song was presented. It wasn't sung by everyone. It was mouthed by some people, some sang, but the primary voice was brought to the attendees via the speakers on the walls. Apparantly this has been an issue for sometime now. The song basically says 'what we are doing is for the Emperor'. Since the end of WWII this issue has been around. Some people don't like singing it because it focuses on the Emperor and nothing but the Emperor. I can understand the issue, but asked "Has anyone thought of re-writing the anthem?" Mr. Watanabe told me he thought the same thing recently.
Apparently (generally) teachers in 'teacher's unions' choose not to sing the song. The song is written in OLD Japanese and I was told that a lot of people older than 40 don't know what is said in the song. INTERESTING thing there huh. It's in OLD Japanese. I don't know what will come of this, but it was an interesting note that I thought needed to be recorded. How about that... inner strife in Japan. Ewwwwwww. Wonder what's gonna happen. One could only guess. Time to go so, with that... have a crazy day. ciao cito
March 1998 - email10
Additional stuff about the game... after thought. ouch.. did that hurt?
From: Gary Ploski
3/16/98 7:29
Subject: XEROX SUPER CUP Jubilo Iwata vs. Kashima Antlers
To: you, me and joe
Something I want to add about the intensity of the game from point of view as a fan....
The intensity that was there, was very little compared to what I've expienerced at various games in the states. At the end of the game when the team was walking around the pitch people were clapping and shouting.... but it just wasn't "LOUD!!!!!!!", it was "loud". Not the best way to expierence a SEASON winning game in my opinion. It wasn't "YEEEEEAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH WWWWWAAAAHHOOOOOO WE WON!!! WE WON!!!!" and various other screams praising their team. It was kinda like "YEEAAhhhh way to go guys. Nicely done. Waahhooo. Let's do our best again next year." yeah.
Thought I'd add that bit because I felt it was a bit important to my overall impression of the game. with that... have a crazy day. ciao cito
Sunday, March 15, 1998
March 1998 - email9
Soccer soccer football. HUH?! Yes ineed football is the correct name for this sport. but in America we call it soccer. How about that. Anyway, I saw my first professional soccer game since the summer of 1994!!! Wahhooo!!! How about that one. It was a most impressive display of.... read it baby!! IT's ALLLLL there! haha.
From: Gary Ploski
3/15/98 23:50
Subject: XEROX SUPER CUP Jubilo Iwata vs. Kashima Antlers
To: EVERYbody I could think of at the time
Sangatsu ju-yokka March fourteenth
Attendees: Kaz, his mom, his sis, and me - gdp
This game was to decide who would be the champions of the regular season. Kashima had won the Emperor's Cup and Jubilo had won the pre-regular season tournament (or something like that - they'd had won some other tournament that put them into this game. Anyway... the game..
Upon arrival to the stadium in Tokyo I saw the food courts. Not your typical foods were offered, well... if this were a game in America. Tako-yaki, and various types of suchi, etc. I must say it was pretty cool to see such a thing. Yes I took a picture or two. Then it was the 15 minute walk around the stadium to get to the entrance! It was this walk that didn't seem to end. It was pretty neat. Along the way I saw a flee market. I was Kazi's mom who pointed it out "ahh free marketo!" she said pointing to the gitaa (guitar). U like, no.
Ok enough prelim stuff... NOT! hehehehe. The mercandise avaiable was all the same and yes there were tons of places to buy this stuff. Oh yeah--- get this, it was all pretty expensieve. SURPRISE! Not all of it, actually comparing it to other "games" I've been to it was on the lower scale. One last thing, people were pushy!!! Yes they wanted to see what was in the display cases! How about that huh! They were actually bit pushy. At one point some guy was overly pushy and basically shoved me aside. I said "excuse me" in as sarcastic voice I could muster. The only problem was I said it in English. hehehehe. Opps.
The game -- now? Ummmmmm, ok. It started with the typical annoucing of the players. This happened before the players came out onto the pitch (field). On opposite sides of the stadium were the team followers. Yes indeedy they were that -- one side was sky blue and the other red. Sky blue garbage bags filled with air were everywhere!!! It was sooooo bright!! Yes indeed I got pixs of that. hehehe. On the other side was red red red!!! It wasn't as bright because of the team color being darker. BUT, with a capital 'Bi', the supporters were in GREAT ABUNDANCE!! HOLY SUPPORTER batman! Get out the shark repelant and clean up your room cause were goin out!! The flags, banners were HUGE!!!! You'll see the pixs later. How about that huh.
The game was pretty good with songs sung from each side... Yellow Submarine, ole' ole ole ole, popye wasn't sung - that's baseball. The words weren't sung it was the elevator version sung by a few hundred people. It was pretty cool. I had to laugh at a few of the tunes, but I could just imagine what someone who doesn't know baseball in the States would think of "We want a pitcher not a glass of water." Imagine not understanding the languge then having it explained to you... Think of the term "rubber arm" and imagine that one as well. We're(humans) all strange aren't we.
This went on for 90 minutes, the singing AND the game. The fans worked just as hard as the players, dedicated to the team they are indeed. The score was 1-1 at the end of the 1st half and ended 2-1. The final goal was scored in extra time!!!! It was and incredible goal!!! For those of you who don't understand soccer I'll explain brifely, for those of you who do skip the next paragraph.
Soccer games(international rules) are made up of (2) two 45 minute halves. At the end of each half, depending on how much time has been spent outside of play, the referee will add on a certain amount of time. For example, if a player is hurt and 5 minutes pass before the game resumes again, the referee will add on 5 minutes after the regulation 45 minutes have passed. It's up to the referee to decide how much time will be added on to the 'extra time'.
At the end of the game both groups of fans gave their good bye/congratulation cheers. First the losing team praised their team and then the other team. Yes that's correct! They cheered for the other team!!! They were congratulating the winning team! Talk about respect. After the losing team's fans finished the winning team's fans began. First singing praises to their team, then the losing team, then JAPAN!! It was incredible!!!!! I was quite impressed.
People are people. The bags that were filled with air were left amoung all the seats. SO i guess that's a constant, people are people, we're all the same in some ways I guess. Bummer huh.
After that Kazi and I went to Shinjuku, which about a 20 min walk from the stadium. We browsed around a bit and just chilled. Kaz is HAMMERED from all the work he's been doing at his job. He's tapped for energy, nothing to use. IT'S ALLL GONE!! Kaz ---- drink a JOLT! hehehehe.
We chatted about Soccer and the possible changes that should/could be made, my choice of leaving Japan - why I decided to leave, April and my relationship - what's been happening recently (stresssss and personal changes,etc.), Kazi's changing of jobs (if at all possible) and also stuff that was stupid enough to laugh at but at the same time something stupid enough to be real. Crazy fun stuff.
Ok -- that's how the event unfolded. I was most surprised by the fans at that game! It was just an incredible thing to witness. I didn't hear people yelling at the refs when they mad a questionable call. Only eww's and ahh's. I have been finding lots of things that are a part of the culture brought into new realms that the societal structure had never planned upon (like every other society in the world - duh Gar)- it's interesting. I LIKE the way it funtions here, it's pretty cool! Peaceful and respectful. I like. Ok enough of me saying the same thing over and over. SORRY! with that... have a crazy day. ciao cito
Monday, March 09, 1998
March 1998 - email8
Read on. It's up to you to ask the questions....
From: Gary Ploski
3/9/98 23:38
Subject: Booomp goes the pedestrain against the car
Yes indeed that is what I heard/saw this evening. A man was bumped by a car and I was able to see the event unfold. I was AMAZED!!! It is not what would be expected to happen in the states. I wish it would, but I know that it won't.....
Screeeech... bumppped.. "huh? What the... wooo. That dude just got hit by that car. I hope he's alright. He's just sitting there, what's he doin'?" Those were the first few thoughts I had as I turned and saw a car parked next to a man sitting on the ground within the corsswalk lines. He wasn't screaming. He wasn't whining. He was sitting there, silent. Some people came over to him in a rushing manner. THe driver was out of his car within moments and running over to the man he had just hit with his car.
"Daijoubu" said the guy on the ground. Defined as "OK, alright; safe and sound; no need to worry" was said over and over and over by this man who had just been HIT by a car. He gave in to no pain, or at least wouldn't show it if he did feel some. He just sat there and waited for his body to build up enough energy to move himself out of the way of other cars. All of which slowed down to a crawling speed as not to interfere.
He was helped off the road by the bystanders whom had witnessed the event. They were just standing there... nothing was being said by anyone at that point. The driver had moved his car to the side of the road by the time the hit-man had been helped to the side of the road. There he sat on a cement block --- just sitting. I couldn't hear anything - I was directly across the street at this point. What could that be -- 20 yards? If any of the people there had yelled I would have heard them easily. If they had spoken at any level above a normal conversation level I would have heard them. I could not hear anything.
I sat on my bike seat and watched the three/four people standing there... just standing and looking down at the man on the concrete block. He was not doing anything significant. No yelling, no cussing (not that I'd understand of course) : > (I'd only be able to tell by the volume level, if I could even tell through that...it wasn't happening though, so I don't think any of it happened)
At one point the driver went to his car and was looking for something. He got out about 30-45 seconds later and walked back to the man on the block. He, seemingly, handed him his business card. I appeared that the driver was explaining where he could be reached because the hit-man was pointing to the card and looking at the driver. They were still, apparently, discussing the card as the ambulence came into audible range. I looked up and saw the lights and thought "It must be coming here."
As the ambulence approached (within 10 minutes of the accident) the bystanders began waving toward the abulence to get the drivers attention. The truck pulled over and blocked my view of the people so I stayed for another minute. As I rode my bike I was in complete amazement of what had just happened. I had just seen something that would have been... I'll let you imagine it. What do you think would have happened in the states?
Be honest with yourself. Don't look at it from your own persective, look at it in a socialogical standpoint. What sould the 'average' American have done? I have a pretty good idea... but I think you'll appreciate it a whole lot more if you think it out yourself. Think of the languge that would be used. How the people would react... would the driver have even stayed? (there was a clear opportunity for him to gun it down the road and be gone within seconds) Would the ... I'll let you come up with the questions...
Quite and amazing event in my opinion. I will openly admit that this part of the Japanese society is going to be the greatest thing that I will miss. People aren't selfish. They're in it for the whole group/population. Of course there are the bad seeds, but the general population would have reacted the same way. That thought was confirmed by Kazi after I told him of the event I had seen just minutes before.
with that said... have a crazy day. ciao cito
March 1998 - email7
A running theme at the moment.. Rille isn't online : ( Not kewl, not gewd, just not. A fun story of how one should not acquire a CD. Yes, how not to acquire a CD.....Lead by example I guess.
From: Gary Ploski
3/9/98 1:08
Subject: I was hoping
To: April Harvey
you were going to sign on this eve/morn, but it appears that hope will not be realized... : \ bummer.
I bought a pretty cool disc the other day. Actually I bought 3. One SUCKS! It's a single and it said that it had the song "do a little dance. make a little noise." from the Bud commercials, but it was just a clip put into a dance dong. Bummer.
The second Disc I bought was Billie Myers. It's awesome! She write some truly beautiful lyrics/poetry. I'm very pleased I bought this disc. I've been listening to it for the past two days.... except for about 2 hours this eve(sun). Below is the annoying story about the 3rd disc. You'll like the ending.
I saw a disk among TONS of discs and thought "No way!? Do it have the tune I like on it?!?// does it? does it? ROCK ON! IT does!" SO I check it with the two other discs on the shelf and decide to buy the first one I looked at becuse it was the only one that had THE song I liked. I bought it and crumpled up the receipt, then putting it into my pocket. Note: I never do that.
I got off the train and walked down the stairs of the train station and tossed the crumpled up receipt toward the garbage and saw it bounce off the bars going across the top. They are there so people don't throw in cans. I thought "..no big deal. I don't need it." Note: Yeah RIGHT.
Upon arriving at the apt I put the 1st disc in and was very excited to hear the "BUD" song. Listened to the first three mixes and turned it off deciding that I wanted to hear THE song. I put in the disc and thought the vocalist sounded a bit strange, but since I am not very familiar with her (hint) other songs I let it play and began working on my savings plan. Trying to determine how much I can save... About 30 minutes later I was throughly confused. I looked at the track number, #12, and got a little upset.
I looked at the disc case and found the song I wanted to hear and hit rewind until the number was on the display. Listened...... "what the hell is this? how about the other song?" click click... Listened...... "What the fuck!? This is NAME! What the hell!?" Phone call -- G-Kazi the cd I bought has the wrong music on it... K-...still have your receipt gar? G- No I tossed it.... K-You need it.... G-FUCK! GO DAMN!
I then stormed out of the apt hoping I could find the receipt which I had tossed. "Of alll the times," I thought. I arrived at the bin and was luck that a ton of people were not there. I looked and saw a piece of paper between the guards... "Is that it?" *swoosh* I grabbed it. .... gum wrapped in a piece of paper -- nope. How about behind the bin...maybe it didn't fall in... it didn't look like it had fallen in... Looking... A piece of paper and a cigarette. "PLEASE!!!!!" I thought a few hundred times within those 8 seconds that it took me to move around the bin and move it so I could look and check.
I reach and grab it... "this is it... I know it!" I felt the same as the piece of paper that I had in my pocket from Ikebukuro. I opened it and........... and ........ and... "coool!" It was the receipt. I could return the cd. Next day....
I go to return the cd and ask in JPN "Do you speak English?" Reponce with a very visual gesture implying something negative... "No, sorry." I break in with my fantastically superb 6 month old JPN (i'm refering to age not the amoung of months I've been here. : > ) He UNDERSTOOD! It took me about 10 minutes to exlpain it to Kazi --- in ENGLISH!!!
He went to look for it on the shelf - they didn't have it. "How about the HMV in Shinjuku?" I asked. "Hold on one moment" After he called all the other HMV's in the area he called Shinjuku and BAMB they had it! COOOOL! I got my money back and headed off to shinjuku. My name and telephone number would be the proof of my identity. Yeah what a great thing to speak 6 month old JPN.
I arrive in Shinjuku HMV and go up to the counter and ask if the gentleman speaks English. "Very little" was his reply in English. "YES!" was my thought. I spoke in very simple English. Exlcuging all those a's and an's etc.. He grabs the cd, shows it to me, I concure that it's correct, then and I pay.
"May I listen to it to test it?" the other one was strangly wrong, who knew about this one. "No. Sorry." he replied. He then began reading the card that was with the CD and stopped me and said you can listen to it. "YESSSSS!" again that same thought, what a a great thought. I ask for track 6 and listen...... "YESSSS!" again.
I left HMV and returned home to listen to the disc that took me two days to get. I put it in and turn it up a bit. "Yes yes yes!!! Cooool! It's even live! Rock on!" I go to the next track and listen... "cooooooooool" Happy as could be at that moment. Now after all that what cd could I be talking about? WHat's your guess? Please guess and then tell me if you were honestly correct.
Guess time.
Okay the track was ......... #6 - Animal Crackers off the disc The Best of Melanie. I found it and couldn't pass it up. I've got your "brand new key" and don't tell 'ma what they've done to my song.' Yes indeedy babe, I found it, hahaha. with that, I'm goin to send this and hope to hear something (substantial) at all from you. GET BETTER!!!! GO to the doc again, get some medication, tell everybody to leave you alone for a day so you can get better. AHHHHHHHHHHH. "Stop the insanity" hehehehe. Get better babe. ciao cito
Sunday, March 08, 1998
March 1998 - email6
A short message to Alice telling her about all the normal things that happen when you pry open a can of sushi. Yes indeed a can of sushi, didn't think it was possible did you? Hey, anything is possible. How about pre-cut bread? Not sliced... the crust is cut off and sold all wrapped nice and neat. How about DIGESTIBLE CRACKERS, that's the name of the cracker. GOtta love it.. Oh by the way, the sushi thing -- it's REALly not true. : )
From: Gary Ploski
3/8/98 12:13
Subject: Re: hey there!
To: Alice Alarcon
Kaz like message: Hey what's up. I'm workin' and i want a vacation. bye.
Did I get that right? : ) He is such a time pressed dude. It's really rediculous how much time the people of Japan put into their work. They don't get the chance to have a reasonably 'normal' family. Always out with co-workers is the man of the home. Cooking, cleaning, gossiping, etc is the woman of the home. She also takes care of the child if there is a child or children if that be the case. It's nuts! I no like.
Things is good 4 u? I hope so. Mid-terms coming up soon? I'll bet your soooo excited for those frun things to start. right? right. right! hehehehe. I'm going to have fun today --- CLEANING DAY. YEahhhh I love cleaning day. THe doors are open and Billie Myers is playing on the mini mini Aiwa system. She sings "Kiss the Rain". It's a very good disc. I'm very impressed with her usage of words. For Ex... Kiss the rain ... that's pretty. It's not rude or obnoxious, but it get the point across that she want him to be faithful and think of her. I like. hello? can you hear me? am i getting through to you? hello? is it late there? there's a laughter on the line? are you sure your there alone? cause Im trying to explain that there's something wrong.... kiss the rain.. wait for the dawn. were under the same sky. if you feel you cant wait till morning Kiss the rain.
A sample for you as it plays... SOrry I cant type as fast as she's singing it. check it out. have a crazy. ciao cito
Saturday, March 07, 1998
March 1998 - email5
I did it!!!! I have another notch to add to my list. Ok ok so it's not over ten yet, hey I'm trying! YESS!!! Another book finished, and I can't find another one to read... how about that. "THE SALARYMAN'S WIFE" written by SUJATA MASSEY. Look at 'em gooooo. Just not in the mood to read I guess. Studying takes up to much time. : ) From: Gary Ploski 3/7/98 0:40 Subject: hope To: April Harvey i get to read something from you later. I'm going to sleep now, ahhhh - sleep. Quick wrap-up of the eve. I went to my JPN lesson and had a good night. Then went to Kinokuniya and --- it was closed at 9:45!!!! It closes at 8:00pm every day! Oy ve! Bummer! I cama back to the apt and watched a woman translate to Bono (of U2) suuuuuper quickly! She was translating as the words were being spoken! The hard part if that is ENG and JPN are organized sooooo muchly differntly from each other. THe verbs are moved all over and the subjets.. etc.! WOWZERS! It was really incredible to watch.
I finished that book "The Salaryman's Wife" HOW about that! 400 something pages in ledd than a month! Wahhooo! yipp-e kie-a yeah!! My brain is fried a bit, that's ok though. Well I'm gonna let you go babe... Time to sleep. I hope to hear your views on Some of the stuff I've written in the past few days -- there's been quite a bit. have a splendid babe. ILU. ciao cito
Friday, March 06, 1998
March 1998 - email4
**singing**Dreeeeaaaaam dream dream dream. Dreeeeaaaaam ....... : )
From: Gary Ploski
Subject: sad dream
To: April Harvey
I don't remember who I was with but they were a little sympathetic toward my feelings. I was somewhere near Narita Airport. We had just fininshed browsing around and it was getting close to 'the' time. I think we had also been to a party. I don't remember, bummer.
As I realized where I was I thought of going home first to get some stuff, but that wouldn't work I only had about 15min. to get to the airport. Like I said I was near the airport at this point. We walked around and I was trying to figure out how to get there... about ten steps later I was in a combined departo/airport. I was just outside the airport entrance when I realized I only had 1000 yen on me. Problem.
I decided to go up to an employee to ask where some ATM's were located. There were 2 ppl behind the counter and I asked one of the men where to go. He said he didn't know where ANY ATM's could be found. (AHH!!) I began crying asking for any amoung of help other than none. I asked him to call the police and he did. ALl he did was point and I was on my way.
My 'friend' and I ran to an area that looked familiar to me. There was an open ATM! YES! As I ran toward it my 'friend' held onto my bag and walked me toward it. Suddenly the gate was closing on the ATM. I ran and he held fast. As I got near the ATM I tried to throw my bag into the opening so it would stay open, but that was not going to happen. My friend had held onto the bag with such force I could barely moce the bag. The ATM shut and I began crying again beacuse I could get into the airport to greet you and also we wouldn't be able to go back home until the next morning.
I woke up and felt my mouth and realized it was tight because I was so frustrated in my dream. I didn't like the dream, but the good thing is that I had no problems when I saw you at the airport... pheeww. hope you have a aplendidi. ciao cito. DOU - truly I did.
Thursday, March 05, 1998
March 1998 - email3
This email speaks for itself.
From: Gary Ploski
3/5/98 23:17
Subject: 1st graders in JPN To: EVERYONE IN MY ADDRESS BOOK
These 1st graders did a fantastic job...but some of the stuff they wrote comes across hullariously!
I received this email and... well, take a guess, your looking at it now. You WILL laugh! It doesn't matter if you have or have not taught in JPN or even been to JPN. Just remember one thing. THE STUDENTS THAT WROTE ALL OF THESE WONDERFUL THINGS ARE FROM ----- JAPAN.
AnninJapan wrote: Dear Gary,
Thought you might like to see what TODAY was like at school. Hope you Enjoy.
I just finished grading 200 student papers for the written portion of the 1st year final examinations. We have been practicing writing REAL letters to my students in America, and the teacher thought it would be a great idea for the students to also write a pretend letter to America for their final. She let me correct all the spelling errors, sentence structure etc. etc. etc.
I noticed as I was plodding away at the 200 papers that some of the kids were writing hysterical things. Most of the funny stuff is only funny in English and the kids have no clue that their small spelling mistakes and sentence structure made me laugh out loud. I decided to write down every "GEM" I came across and I am passing them along to you. I am not making these up. I have not changed a word of what the students wrote! A final note before you read these. The overall letters were amazing and I couldn't have been happier with their writing. They did a fantastic job for 1st graders!!!!!!!!!!! Here they are?..
How many friends do you have? I have well, two hundred. -Hiromi
This class has 39 students. They are all from Japan. -Kazutaka
I belong to the tennis crab. -Takumi
Do you like food? I like cake. -Haruna
What's a name? -Yuka
I can speak Japanese very well. -Masanori
I can only speak English. -Kanako
I have one brother. He have a girlfriend He is very happy. -Kumi
I eat rice very fast. -Makoto
Do you know "the Ann"? -Masato
Please be my friend. I don't know your face, but I like you. -Chika
You don't know me, but we are friends. -Hirotaku
Do you clean your room every day? I don't clean your room every day. -Akira
What do you usually do after school? I play dare doll. -Masayoshi
Now ..my two personal favorites amongst the entire bunch were
Do you like Ann? I like Ann very much. -Nazomi
Do you like this test? I don't like this test. -Madoka
You know you laughed!
"I can only speak English." Gotta love it! Written by a Student going to school in JPN. : ) hope you enjoyed as much as I did.
March 1998 - email2
My kitchen table can speak!!! Get a load of that! Questions about another package.... gee I'm lucky. REDICULOUS PRICES TO SEND THINGS HOME!!!!! Photo time! 6 4 smile! and so on.... From: Gary Ploski
3/5/98 0:46 Subject: 1 of 2 To: April Harvey
things is going to happen. 1- you'll sign on as I type this. That's the probable thing that will happen. 2- you won't. wild stuff huh.
Question(s) - Did you send out the package with the 'tape' and the print club? If so when did you send it? If you haven't could you include the thing that hiyori had told you and sarah about? It was regarding something like - 2 class or 2 grade. I don't remember what you crazy people said. Let me know after you read this stuff.
Get this babe. I'm almost finished with yet another book(The Salaryman's wife). This one is 400 something pages. I got it about 3 weeks ago and have been reading it a little bit at a time on the train and at school. I'm really into the story. This is quite a cool thing. It only took me about 22 years but I got to the point where I can actually enjoy this reading thing. How about that.
Vball - I found out today that there hasn't been practice for the past 2 weeks! Nobody told me! I found out today cause I went in to the office to talk to Watanabe about the kotatsu stuff. I think I'm gonna go with FedEx. It'll cost about 50,500 yen. It's not cheap, it's not rediculously expensive, I can trust the service, it's all good. Gotta get it home somehow. How about the fun, let em have it! Boom!
Eye lids - HOLY HEAVY! I have not been doing my body right for, maybe, the past month or so. How's that? I've been doing lots and lots and lots. During the late evening I'm trying to sort out stuff in the apt. and during the early eve I'm usually out doing something. I ironed about 8 shirts and 2 pair of pants over the past two nights, as well as 2 loads of laundry, and attempting to decongest the kitchen table. It's been hit hard!!! It's hurtin' "I hurt!", it says. : )
Looks like #2 has happened. I've got to get some sleep. If your not on by 1 you'll know where I am --- dreamland. Hope you had a good sleep. I didn't call to wake you up becase I wanted you to get your sleep. Sounds like people have been using your time more than you have. What an interesting thought. Alrighty babe. I'm thinking of you as I sit and look at your pictures. What pictures you ask? the pics fot the album.
I finally finished the section in the photo album that dealt with your trip over here. Now I've only got about 30 pictures to sort through and put in to the album. Yeah! Chat with ya lata. DOU. have splendid. ciao cito
Wednesday, March 04, 1998
March 1998 - email1
Starting the month off with a load of stuff. Of course Iaido is in there... seems to be a constant now doesn't it... : ) Weather stuff. Strange fact about the weather -- In CT the exact same weather conditions occured! It was a double or nothing event! What a crazy turn of events ne! Language and some revelations regading my studying habits etc.. Why my first few months were well spent asking all the questions I asked.... Enough.. read on. From: Gary Ploski 3/3/98 17:55 Subject: 17:00, mikka, San-gatsu, sen-kyuhyaku-kyuju-hachi-nen. To: EVERYONE IN MY ADDRESS BOOK It's March 3, 1998, 5:00pm and the annoucement had just told the students to go home. Cautioning them of the cars and trucks. 17:00 is 30 minutes later than it was last week, that means spring is around the corner. This happens everyday.
The weather or the past two days has been gorgeous! I wore only the normal outfit to work today, no jacket or gloves. Ahhhhh. Nicely nicely. I can feel the springtime season kicking in, it feels good. I only dare think about the summer after that - YUCKY! I hope it's not as humid as last year.
Iaido is going fantastic. I now can do 8 of 10 movements. Next week I will learn 9 and 10, maybe. The next two look to be a challenge. I am so enjoying this -- dare I call it a -- sport. It is just an incredible thing to be able to pull the katana out of the scabbard and just go through each motion feeling completely fluid.
The first time I tried to remove the katana from a scabbard was way back in August '97. It's been sometime and I've gotten much better. Things get easier with time. I think that correlates to basically anything. I've also befriended the group of people involved in the Iaido group, I just can't figure out the woman in the group - she gives me strange vibes.. zzzwwwwaaaaa bboooooooommmmmnnnnnnnn. = )
I must admit this has to be one of the better things I've gotten involved in here in Asaka/JPN. It was difficult at first because of the language barrier and also my complete unfamiliarity of any martial art. I've learned a considerable amount about the culture through Iai. I did something good. Yippee! Yokata!
Regarding the language thing -- I've been studying for about 2 or 3 weeks now and I feel as if I haven't learned much, but I think that goes against what I've been experiencing since the first class. I feel a confidence within when I speak to someone. I use my 'liiiittle' Japanese and they use their little English. The conversation moves along and I feel as if it was an accomplishment.
This is a much different kind of feeling from the first half of my stay here. The first was FOCUSED on learning about the societal/cultural ways of life of the Japanese. I believe that to have made my learning of the language much easier. When I learn a new word and hear something I'm unfamiliar with I can hear the base of the word and understand that's it's probably a polite way of saying something. Kinda difficult since there are so many ways to say the same word -- each a different level of politeness. I've begun to understand that, it's a nice feeling. I lookforward to my future studies in JPN and in the US. It's alllll good.
I've just typed all of the above in less than 20 minutes. I'm quite impressed with myself, there is quite a bit. how about those typing skills huh? We've(refering to April and I because of AOL-IM) both gotten to be quite good at this typing thing. I wonder if I should say that in any interview I have... = ) It'd be a good laugh, and the point would be made. hmmm, have to think about that one. Hmm, anything else?
I do have to admit that this schedule is FULL, the schedule I've got organized presently. I wonder if I'll have it from now until I leave. I only wonder how exhausted I'll be.... I will get the happy energy though, as well as sad. It will be tough to leave, that goes without saying I think. So why did I say it? don't know, maybe cause I could. hehehehe. I feel like I fit in now that I understand more of this Japanese language thing. It's weird, cool, sad,a and lots of other emotions at the same time.
Alright as my hands numb, it's gettin cold - maybe because I have the door open. Duh gar. It feels good though, the fresh air. I'm sick of all this dry air from the heaters in school and in my apartment. Hope everything is going well in all of your lives. Have a crazy day. ciao cito
Sunday, March 01, 1998
March 1998
March 1998
I am going to try to keep doing the journal, but I see the future of this crazy journal thing being done but once or twice a month. I hope that your curiosity can keep up with that time span. Hope to hear from you allll soon. Below you will find a link to various emails with the happenings during the month of March. Enjoy...
1 Email Starting the month off with a load of stuff. Of course Iaido is in there... seems to be a constant now doesn't it... : ) Weather stuff. Strange fact about the weather -- In CT the exact same weather conditions occured! It was a double or nothing event! What a crazy turn of events ne! Language and some revelations regading my studying habits etc.. Why my first few months were well spent asking all the questions I asked.... Enough.. read on. | 2 Email My kitchen table can speak!!! Get a load of that! Questions about another package.... gee I'm lucky. REDICULOUS PRICES TO SEND THINGS HOME!!!!! Photo time! 6 4 smile! and so on.... |
3 Email This email speaks for itself. | 4 Email- **singing**Dreeeeaaaaam dream dream dream. Dreeeeaaaaam ....... : ) |
5 Email I did it!!!! I have another notch to add to my list. Ok ok so it's not over ten yet, hey I'm trying! YESS!!! Another book finished, and I can't find another one to read... how about that. "THE SALARYMAN'S WIFE" written by SUJATA MASSEY. Look at 'em gooooo. Just not in the mood to read I guess. Studying takes up to much time. : ) | 6 Email A short message to Alice telling her about all the normal things that happen when you pry open a can of sushi. Yes indeed a can of sushi, didn't think it was possible did you? Hey, anything is possible. How about pre-cut bread? Not sliced... the crust is cut off and sold all wrapped nice and neat. How about DIGESTIBLE CRACKERS, that's the name of the cracker. GOtta love it.. Oh by the way, the sushi thing -- it's REALly not true. : ) |
7 Email A running theme at the moment.. Rille isn't online : ( Not kewl, not gewd, just not. A fun story of how one should not acquire a CD. Yes, how not to acquire a CD.....Lead by example I guess. | 8 Email Read on. It's up to you to ask the questions.... |
9 Email Soccer soccer football. HUH?! Yes ineed football is the correct name for this sport. but in America we call it soccer. How about that. Anyway, I saw my first professional soccer game since the summer of 1994!!! Wahhooo!!! How about that one. It was a most impressive display of.... read it baby!! IT's ALLLLL there! haha. | 10 Email Additional stuff about the game... after thought. ouch.. did that hurt? |
11 Email Here comes the bride... alll dressed in... wait a sec.... that's the wrong song. Opps-ezzz. hehehe sorry. haha. It's time for tears of happiness and sorrow. Time for SPEED to sing their popular tune.... "My Graduation" Ohhh let it rock on ladies.... it's actually a cool tune. I like.. you like? try it out..... the words within that is... | 12 Email Orientation??? Already? But how could this be? Ohhh yeah, it's a different orientation. D'oh! another faux paus commited. Damn those Gergens Soap commercials. he he.... TPU baby!! All the way! |
13 Email It looms in the closet... well, that's if it's lost. Yes the nail bufferfound it's way out this time and it's been... dare I say it... No i dare NOT! Japanese classes have found their way into my heart and I fell ohso loved. yeah, right. I found out how to use some particles and such... that's about all. Kazi and Hisae show up in this email! OHHH NOOO!!! Notthe peanut butter dragon again! Ohhh man! He flipped 15 trains over last time he came out to play... Guess where I am.... ping pong --- JPN. | 14 Email $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. About 4 man (mahn) worth! Yokata yo!!! Lucky duck...quack. get outta here! This is an email into... quack quack quack quackquack quack. souinfajnv ozfnva vjaflzv ao rgjnao got em out. That was tough.Oh yeah... a little bit about the VIDEO w/ or w/o the cherry trees....what could happen? no-body-knows..... |