Tuesday, September 23, 2003
The Toe & The Geyser!

I forgot to write about a TREMENDOUS event that unfolded, or should I say - blew up!

Main Entry: gey∑ser
Pronunciation: 'gI-z&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Icelandic Geysir, hot spring in Iceland, from geysa to rush forth, from Old Norse; akin to Old English gEotan to pourDate: 1780
1 : a spring that throws I forgot to write about a TREMENDOUS event that unfolded, or should I say - blew up!

< Last week I dropped a 20 lb weight on my toe while doing dips. Wait, I dropped a 20 lb toe on my toe after I finished doing my dips actually. I dropped the weight when I was reaching for the weight... sigh. It hurt. It hurt so much that I was actually to the point of wimpering like a baby! Seriously, it hurt!

I took matters into my own hands after two days of hell though. Kerry (the trainer here at SLC) suggested that I relieve the pressure by putting a hole in my toe nail. She checked her books and then gave me the 'Okay' to press away with a heated pin. Kerry began the operation, er, began forcing a heated paper clip into my toe nail. Honestly, I began to have a freaky thought enter my mind - Hmm, if she keeps pushing this hard the clip may go through my nail and then the soft squishy stuff under it. YIPE!. So I interupted her 'Uh, Kerry, would you mind if I tried with a pin?' The process truly began.

Within 15 min I was walking again. The pin had been pushed through my toe nail in three stages. One - hey look there's a small dap of stuff coming out! WHOOOHOO! Two - Oh word, that's a decent amount. Almost there. Three...

Main Entry: gey∑ser
Pronunciation: 'gI-z&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Icelandic Geysir, hot spring in Iceland, from geysa to rush forth, from Old Norse; akin to Old English gEotan to pour Date: 1780
1 : a spring that throws forth intermittent jets of heated water and steam

Ageyser of blood!

OMG it was amazing! It literally shot up at me the moment the pin came out of the nail! Amazing! Wonderful! Relief at last! This may have been a tale to tell to only a few but I can't keep it to myself! No, not after the rediculous pain I went through. Everyone must know how to alleviate the pain should they ever drop a 20 lb weight onto their toe.forth intermittent jets of heated water and steam

09-23-2003 01:29 pm

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